Book Club
Please join us this Wednesday, Nov. 6th, from 7-8:30 p.m. in the Campolindo library to discuss the intricacies of college admissions. We will be discussing: Who Gets In And Why, A Year Inside College Admissions, by Jeffrey Selingo and Where You Go Is Not Who You’ll Be, by Frank Bruni. Even if you haven’t read the books and you’re just interested in the topic, your presence is more than welcome. Hope to see you there!
The goal of the Campo Parents Book Club is to give our Campo parent community the opportunity to gather, either in person or virtually, and discuss books of mutual interest. The Book Club meets twice during the academic year and the books typically center around the topic of parenting young adults. Reading the book is encouraged but not a requirement for participation. We also encourage creative thinking, enthusiasm for new ideas, a willingness to share experiences and listen to those of others. Observers are also welcome to attend.
Look for the latest Book Club event in the CPC Bulletin or check back here!
Any questions, contact our lead, Raphaelle Wirstrom.
Previous Book Club Picks
Grown and Flown, How to Support Your Teen, Stay Close as a Family, and Raise Independent Adults by Lisa Heffernan and Mary Del Harrington.
Featuring a combination of stories, advice from professionals, and practical sidebars, the authors cover topics such as family life, high school academics, happiness and mental health, college admissions and college life. Addressing the high school years and those first years of independence, they cover everything from the monumental (how to let your kids go) to the mundane (how to shop for a dorm room). You can also visit their extensive website for all sorts of valuable information.
Never Enough: When Achievement Culture Becomes Toxic--and What We Can Do About It by Jennifer Breheny Wallace.
In the ever more competitive race to secure the best possible future, today’s students face unprecedented pressure to succeed. Join us in reading this New York Times bestseller, where Wallace delves into the root of the crisis plaguing today’s teens and offers a practical framework for how to help. An interview with the author can be found here. A review and synopsis on Never Enough from a local SF pediatrician can be found here.
How to Navigate Life: The New Science of Finding Your Way in School, Career, and Beyond By Belle Liang and Timothy Klein
Belle Liang, PhD is Professor and Chair of the Department of Counseling, Developmental, and Educational Psychology in the Lynch School of Education and Human Development at Boston College. She is Principal Investigator at Purpose Labs and her research focuses on mentoring and cultivating purpose in school, work, and life. She leverages technology and social media in this work. Her research-practice collaborations in and out of the U.S. have identified mentoring practices that fan the flames of purpose in people from diverse backgrounds, and she has published ~100 scientific journal articles and book chapters from this work. Liang has received honors such as an Distinguished Alumni Award, various awards for innovative teaching and community engagement, and recognition as an American Psychological Association Fellow for her outstanding contributions to the field of clinical and counseling psychology.
Tim Klein, LCSW is an award-winning urban educator, clinical therapist, former teaching fellow at Harvard University and lecturer at Boston College. Throughout his career, he's worked intensively with marginalized students to empower them to pursue meaningful and fulfilling lives. Prior to his work at Boston College, he helped launch Stanford University’s Project Wayfinder, where he trained educators from over 30 states and 12 different countries. As the Director of School and Community Engagement at Medford High School he implemented strategies that increased college matriculation by 30%. Prior to that, he spent five years as the Outreach Director for Summer Search, a national youth development non-profit serving historically underrepresented student populations. His work has been featured in EdSurge, Greater Good Magazine, The Los Angeles Times and KCRW.